lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013
miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013
Feliz Verano!!! / Have a good summer!!
"We ended the school year on the 21st of June.
Summer is the perfect time to be with your friends to go to the pool, the beach or on vacation with your famila.
Since summer is so hot we had refreshments.
The typical clothes this season are the shorts and tank topsor short sleeves.
One of the most important beaches in Valencia is the Malvarrosa:
Since summer is so hot we had refreshments.
The typical clothes this season are the shorts and tank topsor short sleeves.
One of the most important beaches in Valencia is the Malvarrosa:
This beach, many tourists come each year from all over the world."
Paula, Alba y Lucía.L.F 2B
Paula, Alba y Lucía.L.F 2B
"Nosotros nos vamos de vacaciones hoy es el último día de ciudadanía y el viernes nos dan la vacaciones de verano." Cristian Pardo
"This summer we're going to the beach and pool. Happy summer to all!!!
Paula Monerris y Maria Cabrera
Paula Monerris y Maria Cabrera
Adios, amigo goobye my friend, ciao ciao amigo arrivedreci, auf wiedersehen!!!!!!
Paula Demingo y Amparo Badenes
Paula Demingo y Amparo Badenes

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013
sábado, 20 de abril de 2013
Nuevo tema: transporte y medioambiente / New topic: transportation and environment
Si tuviéramos que elegir un medio de transporte que definiera nuestra sociedad de consumo, sin duda, sería el coche: por la autonomía, el confort, la rapidez, la imagen. Pero su contrapartida también pesa: contaminación, accidentes, estrés al volante, etc. Te invito a que reflexiones sobre otras fórmulas que puedan minimizar estos efectos negativos sin tener que renunciar a las necesidades de desplazamiento que tenemos cada día.
If we had to choose a mode of transportation that define our consumer society, no doubt, would be the car: autonomy, comfort, speed, image. But his counterpart also weighs: pollution, accidents, stress, driving, etc.. I invite you to reflect on other ways that may minimize these negative effects without sacrificing the needs of travel we have each day.
martes, 26 de marzo de 2013
domingo, 24 de marzo de 2013
Publicidad y anuncios / Advertising
¿Qué es lo más importante cuando vamos a comprar: que nos guste, el precio, la información de la etiqueta...? ¿qué piensas tú?
What is the most important thing when we are shopping: that we like it, the price, the information of the label...? what do you think about it?
sábado, 23 de marzo de 2013
jueves, 14 de febrero de 2013
domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013
Ropa y marcas / Clothes and brands
El concepto de Consumo Responsable abarca muchas áreas que tienen que ver con nuestra vida más cotidiana. Además de la Alimentación , también en lo relativo a la ropa, el calzado... y las marcas podemos plantearnos un consumo ético, solidario y responsable.
Buscamos un Consumo Ético, Social y Solidario: proliferan en nuestras sociedades marcas de ropa y calzado, con fábricas en países en vías de desarrollo con condiciones de trabajo criticables. Buscamos alternativas para alcanzar el desarrollo de estos países con salarios justos, eliminando discriminaciones en el ámbito laboral; a la vez también buscamos un Consumo Ecológico: Los tejidos naturales, frente a los artificiales cuya producción suponen contaminación medioambiental. Reducir, Reciclar, Reutilizar
Con este nuevo enfoque conseguir un nuevo orden económico internacional más justo tanto en derechos, como en salarios y condiciones de vida.
1- ¿cuales son las marcas que compras? y ¿por qué?
2-¿Sabes interpretar la información de las etiquetas de ropa y calzado?
The concept of Responsible Consumption covers many areas of our daily life. Besides food, also clothing, footwear ... different brands; We can think about the ethical, solidarity and responsibility consumption.
We seek an Ethical, Social and Solidarity Consumption: rampant in our societies brands of clothing and footwear, with factories in developing countries with objectionable working conditions. We seek alternatives to achieve the development of these countries with fair wages, eliminating discrimination in the workplace, while also looking for an Ecological Consumption: Natural fabrics compared with artificial production of which involving environmental pollution. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
With this new approach to getting a new international economic order fairer rights, in both as in salaries as living conditions.
- What are the brands you buy? and why?
- Do you know how to interpret the information on the labels of clothes and shoes?
- Do you know what is the Eco-Style to live?

domingo, 27 de enero de 2013
domingo, 20 de enero de 2013
jueves, 17 de enero de 2013
Nuestras recetas favoritas/Our favourite recipes
Hello we are going to say which is our favorite meal and how.
Ingredients for 6 people
¾ liters of milk
120 grams of flour
30 grams sugar
30 grams of cocoa powder
45 grams of butter
3 eggs
4 tablespoons of beer
¾ liters of milk
120 grams of flour
30 grams sugar
30 grams of cocoa powder
45 grams of butter
3 eggs
4 tablespoons of beer
Beat the eggs together with the cocoa powder and sugar.
While beating, add to the mix the butter, flour and milk.
Finally, add the tablespoon of beer, mix and leave in a bowl overnight.
The next day, bathe a pan with a little butter, and when it reaches a high temperature, we take a spoonful of our pasta and when 25 seconds have passed the turn for another 25 seconds.
In our choice and will eat pancakes or add cream, jam or ice cream.
Ingredients for four people
-1 kg of potatoes.
-1 big onion.
-8 eggs.
-Extra virgin olive oil.
Ingredients for four people
-1 kg of potatoes.
-1 big onion.
-8 eggs.
-Extra virgin olive oil.
Peel the onion and the potatoes. Dice the onion into very small pieces and put it in a large pot with a lot of oil. Chop the potatoes into slices in a pot. Fry everything on a medium heat, removing from the hob from time to time, until the potatoes are fully cooked and golden brown. Prepare two recipients, add the four eggs and beat. Then add half of the chopped potatoes and onions. Coat a frying pan with a little oil. Cook the egg mixture on a high setting and then later turn the heat down. Turn the tortilla so that it is browned on either side and serve hot. (Repeat this process to make the second omelette).
Alejandra Lao- 2eso A
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