El concepto de Consumo Responsable abarca muchas áreas que tienen que ver con nuestra vida más cotidiana. Además de la Alimentación , también en lo relativo a la ropa, el calzado... y las marcas podemos plantearnos un consumo ético, solidario y responsable.
Buscamos un Consumo Ético, Social y Solidario: proliferan en nuestras sociedades marcas de ropa y calzado, con fábricas en países en vías de desarrollo con condiciones de trabajo criticables. Buscamos alternativas para alcanzar el desarrollo de estos países con salarios justos, eliminando discriminaciones en el ámbito laboral; a la vez también buscamos un Consumo Ecológico: Los tejidos naturales, frente a los artificiales cuya producción suponen contaminación medioambiental. Reducir, Reciclar, Reutilizar
Con este nuevo enfoque conseguir un nuevo orden económico internacional más justo tanto en derechos, como en salarios y condiciones de vida.
1- ¿cuales son las marcas que compras? y ¿por qué?
2-¿Sabes interpretar la información de las etiquetas de ropa y calzado?
The concept of Responsible Consumption covers many areas of our daily life. Besides food, also clothing, footwear ... different brands; We can think about the ethical, solidarity and responsibility consumption.
We seek an Ethical, Social and Solidarity Consumption: rampant in our societies brands of clothing and footwear, with factories in developing countries with objectionable working conditions. We seek alternatives to achieve the development of these countries with fair wages, eliminating discrimination in the workplace, while also looking for an Ecological Consumption: Natural fabrics compared with artificial production of which involving environmental pollution. Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
With this new approach to getting a new international economic order fairer rights, in both as in salaries as living conditions.
- What are the brands you buy? and why?
- Do you know how to interpret the information on the labels of clothes and shoes?
- Do you know what is the Eco-Style to live?

Yes Because I like.
No sorry.
1. We buy many brands (Bershka, Stradivarius, Blanco, Pull & Bear, Al Capone, Adidas, Nike, Primark, Foot Loock ...
ResponderEliminarWe bought them for quality and price.
2. We interpret the clothing labels.
3. We do not know what the theme of Eco-life.
Paloma Capilla
Lucía López Peñarrocha
Jéssica Losa
We like Alcapone Adidas and nike.
ResponderEliminarWe like shoes for adidas and nike.
Is a live ecologic.
Rocio & Lucía.L.F 2B
ResponderEliminar1-We favourite brands are Primark and Pull & Bear, because they are little expensive and comfortable.
2-Yes,but the labels are confus. The most people don't know the labels in the clothes.
3- We don't know, but certain textile products are made with ecological materials.
Bye, See you soon :)
2-(Amparo) SI
(Paula) SI
3-(Amparo) NO
(Paula) NO